To amend a recognised fund you must send us a notification for approval of the proposed change. We explain the process you should follow.
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To amend a fund previously recognised under section 264 or 272 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), you must send us the relevant form or a written notice, and any supporting documents.
What you need to provide depends on the change you want make and the section of FSMA that the fund, scheme or sub-fund is recognised under.
Your notification may be considered incomplete if you don’t answer all the relevant questions or provide the required information without telling us why, or if you don’t sign the declaration.
There is currently no fee for amending or 'de-recognising' a recognised fund.
You can only make the change after we have approved it and you notify us that the change has been made.
Previously recognised UCITS under section 264 of FSMA
To amend an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities scheme (UCITS) previously recognised under section 264 of FSMA, and within the temporary marketing permissions regime (TMPR), you should submit the following form:
- notification to amend a recognised EEA UCITS: Form TMPR CH
You should not submit this form if you are only updating scheme documentation.
The changes you may want to make to a recognised EEA UCITS include:
- change of scheme name
- change of scheme type
- change of operator, custodian or facilities in the UK
- change of name or address details for any of the above entities
- change to the supervisory authority
- change to the details of the arrangements for marketing of the EEA UCITS in the UK
- change to sub-fund names
- termination of sub-funds
- or any other information that may affect a scheme's recognition
This list is not exhaustive.
Recognised fund under section 272 of FSMA
To amend a fund, recognised under section 272 of FSMA, you need to submit written notice as detailed in section 277 of FSMA.
If you intend to stop promoting a recognised fund, scheme or sub-fund to retail investors in the UK, the operator or a representative of the operator must submit a written request to us to 'de-recognise' it.
You must notify the FCA of material alterations in advance of the proposal being implemented in accordance with section 277 of FSMA.
Material alterations include, but not limited to, those listed within COLL 9.3.10R and COLL 9.3.11G.
Submitting a notification
The written notice, and supporting documents and information, must be emailed to [email protected].
We are required to process completed notifications to change a recognised fund within 1 month.
Approval of the change
A case officer will review the notification and contact you with any comments or to ask for more information or clarification.
If we have any queries about your application or notification, you must address them and respond to us within the deadline we give you.
Following the initial review, the notification will be submitted for second review. This may result in more comments or questions that you must respond to before the change is made.
When we make a decision on your notification we will send you an email confirmation.
Note that our approval is only for a proposed change, until you notify us that the change has been made. You will need to send us the latest version of the scheme documentation.
Once you notify us the change has been made, we will update the Financial Services Register, where applicable.
If you have requested to de-recognise a fund, we will send you an email confirmation when the FS Register has been updated.
Contact us
If you have a query about an open notification to amend a recognised fund, you should first contact your case officer. The details will be included in an email we send confirming that we have received your notification.
Email any other questions to [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.