Find out about fees for authorised and registered Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs), and the National Private Placement Regime (NPPR).
On this page 
National Private Placement Regime (NPPR)
NPPR application fees
Here are the application fees for each regime:
Type of fund |
Fee per fund |
AIF marketed by above-threshold third country AIFM (Regulation 59) |
Category 1 |
AIF marketed by sub-threshold third country AIFM (Regulation 58) |
Category 1 |
Third country AIF marketed by third country AIFM, (or a feeder AIF that is a UK or Gibraltar AIF, or third country EEA AIF managed by third country AIFM where the master AIF is managed by a third country AIFM or is a third country AIF), where AIFM is not otherwise paying any FCA fee as an AIFM (Regulation 57) |
Category 1 |
Full-scope UK AIFMs marketing third country AIFs under Article 57 | £0 |
Further details of application fees for NPPR are published in the FCA Handbook: FEES 3.2.7 R and FEES 3 Annex 2 R. Find out more about NPPR.
NPPR periodic fees
Firms should be aware that periodic fees will also apply for NPPR. Usually we issue periodic fee invoices in the month following a notification and then annually from July. Invoices are payable within 30 days of the invoice date.
Further details of periodic fees for NPPR are published in the FCA Handbook: FEES 4.2.11 and FEES 4 Annex 4 R.
If your firm is already authorised you can pay by credit or debit card.
Find out more about AIFMD fees. You can email any queries about NPPR fees to [email protected].
Our rules that apply to fees
Our fee rules are set out in the Fees Manual (FEES) of our Handbook.
Fees for authorised, internally managed AIFs
If your firm is an authorised, internally managed AIF you will fall into fee blocks A7 and A9. However, in fee block A9 your firm will need to use an income proxy of 1% of assets under management. The tariff base for fee block A9 is gross income from charges to the fund. As internally managed AIFs do not generate income from charges to the fund, 1% of the value of the AIF’s assets under management will be treated as a proxy for your income.
Venture capital firms that become authorised as UK AIFMs
The fees for venture capital firms remain unchanged by AIFMD. They will fall into fee block A7 but will be excluded from fee block A9.