Firms Firms and individuals must be authorised or registered to carry out certain activities. See our information and resources for your firm. Quick links Financial Services Register RegData FCA Handbook Connect Annual fees: online invoices Authorisation: new to regulation Topics Tasks for regulated firms Appointed representatives Approved persons Change in control Firm details – change and attest Regulatory reporting Variation of permission Your business Client money and assets Fees and levies Financial crime Operational resilience Training and competence Whistleblowing Your customers Access to cash Cost of living Fair treatment of customers Financial promotions and adverts Unfair contract terms Treating vulnerable consumers fairly /firms/consumer-duty Consumer Duty Our new Duty sets higher and clearer standards of consumer protection across financial services, and requires firms to put their customers’ needs first. How your firm can implement it Find out more on Authorisations See if your firm needs to be authorised or registered, how to apply or cancel, and the required fees. Find out more Senior Managers and Certification Regime The SM&CR aims to reduce harm to consumers and strengthen market integrity. How it applies to your firm Latest consultations CP24/8: Extending the SDR regime to Portfolio Management CP24/7: Payment Optionality for Investment Research CP24/6: FCA regulated fees and levies: rates proposals for 2024/25 CP24/5: Digital Securities Sandbox joint Bank of England and FCA Consultation Paper CP24/4: Further consultation on the regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms Show all consultations Latest policy and guidance FG24/3: Finalised non-handbook guidance on the anti-greenwashing rule FS24/1 – Potential competition impacts from the data asymmetry between Big Tech firms and firms in financial services FG24/2: Guidance for firms supporting existing mortgage borrowers impacted by rising living costs PS24/2: Strengthening protections for borrowers in financial difficulty: Consumer credit and mortgages FG24/1: Finalised guidance on financial promotions on social media Latest policy and guidance Sign up to Regulation Round-up, our monthly newsletter to firms on hot topics, events and sector news. Email Submit Manage your subscriptions Leave this field blank
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