We explain which AIFM firms have to notify us if they make changes to their marketing information. Find out what your firm needs to do.
On this page 
The following firms must notify us of material changes to the information provided with their marketing application:
- full-scope UK AIFMs that market funds in the UK/EEA
- EEA AIFMs that market funds in the UK to retail customers in accordance with regulation 54 of the HMT regulations
Material changes include where there has been a change to the management of the fund or a change to the information provided to investors under Article 23(1).
When to notify us of a change to marketing information
Notify us:
- of a planned material change at least one month before the change takes effect
- immediately of an unplanned change
How to notify us of a material change to the marketing of funds that you manage
Please complete the AIFMD Marketing Notification Form and the relevant annexes indicating in the form that the submission is a notification of material change.
- AIFMD marketing notification form
- AIFMD marketing - Annex 1: AIF details
- AIFMD marketing - Annex 2: schedule of cross-border marketing rights
- AIFMD marketing - Annex 3: Article 23/FUND 3.2.2R disclosure checklist
- AIFMD marketing - letter template
Email the completed form to [email protected].
EuVECA and EuSEF funds
Funds marketed through National Private Placement Regime (NPPR)
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: Editorial amendment page update as part of website refresh