Different AIFMs can require different notifications. Learn how to notify us about new funds under management.
On this page 
Full-scope UK AIFMs
Authorised AIFMs must seek approval to manage new AIFs or sub-funds under AIFMD before management of the new stand-alone fund or sub-fund commences.
Sub-threshold AIFMs
Sub-threshold AIFMs must notify us before you start to manage a new AIF or sub-fund in accordance with the requirements set out in SUP 15.3.29R
Please notify us through Gabriel if you stop managing any AIF or sub-fund or wish to notify us of a material change to any AIF details.
Transfer management of a fund
Where the management of a fund transfers from one manager to another the following submissions should be made to the FCA:
- notification from the existing manager that they will cease to manage a fund
- new fund notification in respect of that fund from the new fund manager
New fund notifications
Notifications of new funds from full-scope UK AIFMs, Small Authorised UK AIFMs or Small Property UK AIFMs should be made via the AIFMD New Fund Notifications form.
Please append the appropriate schedule of AIFs:
EuVECA/EuSEF Notifications
EuVECA and EuSEF Managers should notify us of new funds or changes to their marketing arrangements via the EuSEF and EuVECA Marketing notifications form with an appended schedule of AIFs.
Email the completed forms to [email protected].
Full-scope UK AIFMs notifying us of an AIF that will be listed on the NPPR
Full-scope UK AIFMs intending to make use of NPPR under Article 36 must first notify us of the intention to manage the AIF and only then apply for NPPR once we have confirmed that the AIFM has been recorded as the AIFM to the Article 36 AIF.