You must tell us if you change the person responsible for payment services or e-money services in your PI or EMI. Find out how to notify us.
On this page 
You must make sure that anyone who is a director of your firm, or responsible for the management of your payment services and/or e-money services, is of good repute and has appropriate knowledge and experience.
You must tell us if you are:
- adding any new persons
- changing any existing persons, or
- removing any persons
that are responsible for your payment and/or e-money services at your firm.
How to notify us of changes
To add, change or remove details of an individual, please submit the relevant application form on Connect.
While completing the form, you can refer to the:
If we think that adding the individual will have an adverse effect on your business, we’ll contact you.
To find out about the process under the Payment Services Regulations (PSRs) or Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (EMRs), please see Chapters 4 and 5 of Payment Services and Electronic Money – Our Approach.
You can call us on 0300 500 0597 for queries on individual applications you’ve already submitted.