Find out how to appoint intermediaries to distribute and sell your plans.
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If you provide pre-paid funeral plans, make sure you understand when you need to apply to be directly authorised by us.
You may also want to appoint intermediaries to distribute and sell your plans as appointed representatives (ARs). If you appoint an AR, you'll be recognised as the principal firm.
Read more about how we're applying the AR regime to the pre-paid funeral plans sector in Chapter 7 of our policy statement.
ARs and IARs
You can appoint ARs or introducer appointed representatives (IARs). The nature of the appointment will depend on what activities they're carrying out.
If the intermediary is:
- discussing or advising on which funeral plan the consumer should take out, or bringing about a particular contract, they'll need to become an AR
- just handing out information about your funeral plans (eg a leaflet), and doesn't discuss the funeral plan, they may be able to become an IAR
How to appoint ARs
You'll need to tell us during your application for authorisation whether you intend to appoint ARs, how many and their names.
After we've received your application, we'll engage with you about the ARs you intend to appoint, and the timing for submission of your AR registrations.
Find out more about recruiting ARs and monitoring ARs.
Appointing ARs that are senior managers
Senior managers at ARs will be subject to the requirements for approved persons.
When you appoint an AR, it’s your responsibility as the principal firm to identify which individuals at the AR firm are performing an activity described as a 'controlled function' and to make sure that you're following the rules for approved persons.
If an existing AR wants to sell funeral plans
If one of your existing ARs wants to start selling funeral plans, you'll need to notify us.
Please submit a SUP 12 Annex 4R notification form through our Connect system.