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Find and participate in FCA consultations – this section lists our currently open consultations.

Showing 71 to 80 of 2647 search results for .

  1. PS23/17: Remuneration: enhancing proportionality for small firms

    Policy statements Published: 05/12/2023 Last modified: 05/12/2023
    Our final policy on changes to the remuneration rules for dual-regulated firms to enhance the proportionality of the remuneration requirements that apply to small firms.
  2. CP23/26: Implementing the Overseas Funds Regime [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 04/12/2023
    CP23/26: Implementing the Overseas Funds Regime.
  3. CP23/27: Reforming the commodity derivatives regulatory framework [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 04/12/2023
    This consultation paper (CP) sets out our proposals concerning the key pillars of the regime.
  4. CP23/27: Reforming the commodity derivatives regulatory framework

    Consultation papers Published: 04/12/2023 Last modified: 20/02/2024
    This consultation sets out our proposals concerning position limits, the exemptions from those limits, position management controls, the reporting regime and the ancillary activities test.
  5. CP23/26: Implementing the Overseas Funds Regime (OFR)

    Consultation papers Published: 04/12/2023 Last modified: 04/12/2023
    We’re consulting on rules and guidance to integrate the OFR into our Handbook and to enable recognition of overseas funds from jurisdictions approved by the Treasury.
  6. CP23/25: Quarterly Consultation Paper No. 42 [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 01/12/2023
    Once a quarter, we consult on proposed miscellaneous amendments to our Handbook.
  7. CP23/25: Quarterly Consultation Paper No. 42

    Consultation papers Published: 01/12/2023 Last modified: 01/12/2023
    Once a quarter, we consult on proposed miscellaneous amendments to our Handbook.
  8. CP23/24: Capital deduction for redress: personal investment firms [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 29/11/2023
    We highlighted the rising cost of FSCS compensation caused by financial advice firms. This rise in FSCS costs has led to criticism from some firms and trade bodies that the levy is unsustainable and that it represents our failure to prevent harm.
  9. CP23/24: Capital deduction for redress: personal investment firms

    Consultation papers Published: 29/11/2023 Last modified: 25/03/2024
    We are consulting on proposals to require personal investment firms (PIFs) to be more prudent and set aside capital for potential redress liabilities at an early stage...
  10. GC23/3: Guidance on the Anti-Greenwashing rule [pdf]

    Guidance consultations Published: 28/11/2023
    We are consulting on new guidance that sets out our expectations for any FCA authorised firm that makes claims about the sustainability of a product or service.