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Find and participate in FCA consultations – this section lists our currently open consultations.

Showing 1 to 10 of 849 search results.

  1. CP24/8: Extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) regime to Portfolio Management [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 23/04/2024
    Our consultation on extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels regime to portfolio management.
  2. CP24/8: Extending the SDR regime to Portfolio Management

    Consultation papers Published: 23/04/2024 Last modified: 23/04/2024
    We are consulting on extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels regime to portfolio management.
  3. CP24/7: Payment optionality for investment research [pdf]

    Consultation papers Firm and market data Published: 10/04/2024
    We are consulting on giving UK buyside firms greater flexibility on how they can purchase such research.
  4. CP24/7: Payment Optionality for Investment Research

    Consultation papers Published: 10/04/2024 Last modified: 10/04/2024
    We are consulting on giving UK buyside firms – asset managers and others – greater flexibility on how they can purchase such research
  5. CP24/6: FCA regulated fees and levies: rates proposals for 2024/25 [pdf]

    Consultation papers FCA performance and operational data Published: 09/04/2024
    The FCA consults on rules that enable us to raise regulatory fees and levies in 2024/25 to fund the Financial Ombudsman Service and our own work.
  6. CP24/6: FCA regulated fees and levies: rates proposals for 2024/25

    Consultation papers Published: 09/04/2024 Last modified: 09/04/2024
    The FCA is consulting on our regulatory fees and the levies we collect for the Ombudsman and government. We also respond to feedback to CP23/22.
  7. CP24/5: Digital Securities Sandbox joint Bank of England and FCA Consultation Paper

    Consultation papers Published: 03/04/2024 Last modified: 03/04/2024
    Our joint consultation paper with the Bank of England on our approach to setting up the new digital securities sandbox (DSD).
  8. CP24/4: The regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms: further consultation [pdf]

    Consultation papers Pensions and retirement income Published: 27/03/2024
    Consultation to provide clarity and guidance on the scope of the regulated activity of operating a pension dashboard service.
  9. CP24/4: Further consultation on the regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms

    Consultation papers Published: 27/03/2024 Last modified: 27/03/2024
    We are consulting on new guidance for firms undertaking this new activity and 2 changes to the rules we originally proposed in CP22/5.
  10. UK Listing Rules instrument 2024 [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 07/03/2024
    We have made this instrument in the exercise of powers and related provisions in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.