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Find and participate in FCA consultations – this section lists our currently open consultations.

Showing 61 to 70 of 1044 search results.

  1. CP23/17: Rules relating to Securitisation [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 07/08/2023
    This consultation paper sets out our proposed rules for the UK securitisation markets.
  2. CP23/17: Rules relating to Securitisation

    Consultations Consultation papers Published: 07/08/2023 Last modified: 16/10/2023
    We’re consulting on our proposed rules for the UK securitisation markets.
  3. GC23/2: Financial promotions on social media [pdf]

    Guidance consultations Published: 17/07/2023
    Update to FG15/4 addressing harms arising from influencers issuing non-compliant and illegal financial promotions.
  4. CP23/15: The Framework for a UK Consolidated Tape [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 05/07/2023
    CP23/15: The Framework for a UK Consolidated Tape.
  5. CP23/15: The framework for a UK consolidated tape

    Consultations Consultation papers Published: 05/07/2023 Last modified: 20/12/2023
    We’re consulting on our proposed framework for establishing a consolidated tape (CT) in the UK.
  6. Vote Reporting: A consultation and discussion paper from the Vote Reporting Group [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 21/06/2023
    The aim of the consultation is to build industry consensus on a voluntary vote reporting template for asset managers in the UK.
  7. Vote Reporting: A consultation and discussion paper from the Vote Reporting Group

    Consultation papers Published: 21/06/2023 Last modified: 22/09/2023
    This Vote Reporting Group consultation proposes a voluntary, standardised and comprehensive ‘vote reporting template’ for asset managers to communicate to asset owner clients on their voting activity.
  8. GC23/1: Guidance on cryptoasset financial promotions [pdf]

    Guidance consultations Published: 08/06/2023
    This consultation seeks feedback on proposals for guidance on how we approach, and how firms comply with, our requirement that cryptoasset financial promotions must be fair, clear and not misleading.
  9. CP23/14: Quarterly Consultation Paper No. 40 [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 02/06/2023
    Once a quarter, we consult on proposed miscellaneous amendments to our Handbook.
  10. CP23/14: Quarterly Consultation Paper No. 40

    Consultation papers Published: 02/06/2023 Last modified: 02/06/2023
    Once a quarter, we consult on proposed miscellaneous amendments to our Handbook.