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Showing 1 to 10 of 17921 search results for complaints data.
Complaints data
The FCA publishes details of the complaints received by banks, insurers, lenders and other firms, and what those complaints were about. View the latest data and the most complained about firms and financial products. -
Firm specific complaints data
The FCA provides complaints data at firm level by different product categories. The data can be accessed through the firm specific sortable tables or downloaded in Excel. -
About our complaints data
This page provides more information about how the FCA collects and reports complaints data. -
Previous complaints data
Explore complaints data for previous years. -
Complaints data items: FAQs
Complaints data items: FAQs -
Opened complaints
This page provides a breakdown of complaints opened, by product, product group and firm type. -
REP025 data item: FAQs
Find out more about how to complete REP025, for on-going reporting of complaints and revenue data by principal firms on their appointed representatives (ARs) and introducer appointed representatives (IARs). -
Complaints upheld
This page provides a breakdown of complaints upheld by product group and firm type. -
All data published by the Financial Conduct Authority. -
Closed complaints
This page provides a breakdown of complaints closed by product group and firm type.