Search results
Showing 1 to 10 of 835 search results for consumer research.
Research Note: Cryptoasset consumer research
A quantitative study that increases understanding of the market size, consumer profiles and attitudes towards cryptoassets. -
Research Note: Cryptoassets consumer research 2023 (Wave 4)
This report contains independent quantitative research which clearly shows that cryptoassets awareness and ownership are increasing in the United Kingdom. -
UK’s cash infrastructure and consumer research
The FCA provides a broad overview of the access to cash evidence base, including the impact of coronavirus (Covid-19), which will inform the FCA's ongoing work on access to cash. -
Financial Lives 2020 survey
Find out more about the Financial Lives 2020 survey including the FCA's reports and data. -
All data published by the Financial Conduct Authority. -
Research Note: Cryptoasset consumer research 2021
Our fourth consumer research publication on cryptoassets ownership looks at benefits, harms, attitudes and usage. -
All the research published by the Financial Conduct Authority -
Annuity comparator: our research
Find out more about FCA research into the implementation and effects of the proposed ‘annuity comparator’ -
FAMR Baseline tracking
The Financial Advice Market Review (FAMR) Baseline Report sets out a range of indicators developed to give us a snapshot of the market for financial advice. In line with our commitment to monitor changes in the market, we publish follow-up consumer -
Financial Lives 2017 survey
Find out more about the FCA's first Financial Lives survey in 2017.