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Find and participate in FCA consultations – this section lists our currently open consultations.

Showing 61 to 70 of 2647 search results for .

  1. DP23/5: Advice Guidance Boundary Review proposals for closing the advice gap

    Discussion papers Published: 08/12/2023 Last modified: 26/01/2024
    The FCA's proposals aim to create a regulatory system where a range of commercially viable, high quality models of support will be in place enabling consumers to access support through regulated channels.
  2. CP23/29: Access to cash [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 07/12/2023 Last modified: 08/12/2023
    A consultation on how we support access to cash in an increasingly digital world.
  3. Technical Annex to CP23/29 [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 07/12/2023
    Technical Annex to CP23/29
  4. CP23/29: Access to cash

    Consultation papers Published: 07/12/2023 Last modified: 29/02/2024
    FCA proposals for how it supports access to cash in an increasingly digital world.
  5. CP23/30: Operational resilience: Critical third parties to the UK financial sector

    Consultation papers Published: 07/12/2023 Last modified: 07/12/2023
    We set out, jointly with the PRA and the Bank, the proposed requirements and expectations for critical third parties (CTPs).
  6. CP23/28: Updating the regime for Money Market Funds [pdf]

    Consultation papers Published: 06/12/2023
    This consultation sets out proposals to enhance the resilience of Money Market Funds (MMFs) in the UK.
  7. CP23/28: Updating the regime for Money Market Funds

    Consultation papers Published: 06/12/2023 Last modified: 13/03/2024
    This consultation sets out our proposals to enhance the resilience of Money Market Funds (MMFs) based in the UK. It has been developed in close consultation with the Treasury and the Bank of England.
  8. FG23/4: Dual-regulation firms Remuneration Code (SYSC 19D): Frequently asked questions on remuneration [pdf]

    Finalised guidance Published: 05/12/2023
    Dual-regulation firms Remuneration Code (SYSC 19D): Frequently asked questions on remuneration
  9. FG23/5: General Guidance on Proportionality: The Dual-regulated firms Remuneration Code (SYSC 19D) [pdf]

    Finalised guidance Published: 05/12/2023
    FG23/5: General Guidance on Proportionality: The Dual-regulated firms Remuneration Code (SYSC 19D)
  10. FG23/6: General guidance on the application of ex-post risk adjustment to variable remuneration [pdf]

    Finalised guidance Published: 05/12/2023
    FG23/6: General guidance on the application of ex-post risk adjustment to variable remuneration