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Find and participate in FCA consultations – this section lists our currently open consultations.
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PS24/2: Strengthening protections for borrowers in financial difficulty: Consumer credit and mortgages
The FCA confirms its final rules to strengthen protections for borrowers in financial difficulty. -
CP24/7: Payment optionality for investment research [pdf]
We are consulting on giving UK buyside firms greater flexibility on how they can purchase such research. -
FG24/2: Guidance for firms supporting existing mortgage borrowers impacted by rising living costs
The FCA sets out the ways mortgage lenders can help customers worried about, or already struggling with, their mortgage payments because of rising living costs. -
CP24/6: FCA regulated fees and levies: rates proposals for 2024/25 [pdf]
The FCA consults on rules that enable us to raise regulatory fees and levies in 2024/25 to fund the Financial Ombudsman Service and our own work. -
Market Watch 78
Newsletter on market conduct and transaction reporting issues, March 2024. -
CP24/6: FCA regulated fees and levies: rates proposals for 2024/25
The FCA is consulting on our regulatory fees and the levies we collect for the Ombudsman and government. We also respond to feedback to CP23/22. -
CP24/5: Digital Securities Sandbox joint Bank of England and FCA Consultation Paper
Our joint consultation paper with the Bank of England on our approach to setting up the new digital securities sandbox (DSD). -
Handbook Notice 117 [pdf]
This Handbook Notice describes the changes to the FCA Handbook and other material made by the FCA’s Executive Regulation and Policy Committee and the FCA Board under their legislative and other statutory powers on 4 March 2024 and 28 March 2024,... -
CP24/4: The regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms: further consultation [pdf]
Consultation to provide clarity and guidance on the scope of the regulated activity of operating a pension dashboard service. -
CP24/4: Further consultation on the regulatory framework for pensions dashboard service firms
We are consulting on new guidance for firms undertaking this new activity and 2 changes to the rules we originally proposed in CP22/5.