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Find and participate in FCA consultations – this section lists our currently open consultations.
Showing 51 to 60 of 1044 search results.
DP23/4: Regulating cryptoassets Phase 1: Stablecoins
We want your feedback to help us develop our approach to regulating fiat-backed stablecoins. -
Data elements found in Appendix 1 of CP23/21 [xlsx]
An Excel version of the data elements found in Appendix 1 of CP23/21 to aid the review of the proposed data. -
Addendum to CP23/17: Rules relating to Securitisation [pdf]
Addendum to CP23/17: Rules relating to Securitisation. -
CP23/21: Consumer Credit – Product Sales Data Reporting [pdf]
This Consultation Paper seeks views on our proposal to introduce 3 new Product Sales Data (PSD) returns into Chapter 16 of the Supervision manual (SUP 16). -
CP23/21: Consumer credit – Product Sales Data Reporting
We want feedback on our proposal to introduce 3 new product sales data returns into our Supervision manual. -
CP23/20: Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector – working together to drive change [pdf]
CP23/20: Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector – working together to drive change -
CP23/20: Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector – working together to drive change
Alongside the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), we are consulting on proposals to introduce a new regulatory framework on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in the financial sector. -
CP23/19: Future Regulatory Framework - The Insurance Distribution Directive [pdf]
CP23/19: Future Regulatory Framework - The Insurance Distribution Directive. -
CP23/18: Quarterly Consultation Paper No. 41 [pdf]
Once a quarter, we consult on proposed miscellaneous amendments to our Handbook. -
CP23/18: Quarterly Consultation Paper No. 41
Once a quarter, we consult on proposed miscellaneous amendments to our Handbook. These tend to be minor changes but we still want to get your feedback on our proposals.