We publish a wide range of publications: consultations, policy papers, decision-making documents, research and other useful information. Find out more about our available content.
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Policy and guidance
Consultation Papers
In our Consultation Papers (CPs) we consult on proposed changes to the FCA Handbook rules. We outline our proposals, ask questions and invite responses from our varied audiences, including the financial services industry and consumer organisations. CPs contain draft Handbook rules.
Discussion Papers
Discussion Papers (DPs) focus on a particular topic or area of interest. The main aim of a DP is to create a conversation or debate an issue.
Calls for Input
A Call for Input gives interested parties an opportunity to identify areas within a sector that could be improved in the interests of consumers, or highlight areas where competition is working well.
Policy Statements
A Policy Statement (PS) follows a CP once the consultation period is over and we have considered the responses.
In a PS we publish our response to the answers we received to the original CP questions and set out our rules. The PS contains the final legal instrument (FCA Handbook rules).
Finalised Guidance
Finalised Guidance sets out the feedback to the guidance consultation and the Final Guidance.
Guidance Consultations
In Guidance Consultations we consult with firms on proposed non-Handbook guidance.
Feedback Statements
A Feedback Statement provides an overview of the responses we’ve received to a consultation or other call for input.
Market Studies
Market Studies are our main tool for examining competition issues in financial markets. As part of a market study, we publish interim findings and final findings. We may also publish supporting documents such as research, Occasional Papers and Discussion Papers. Find out more about how we conduct Market Studies.
Thematic Reviews
Thematic Reviews assess a current or emerging risk relating to an issue or product across a number of firms within a sector or market. They can be focused on both discovering what is going on and our suggestions for how the issue is tackled. We may also follow up thematic work with other reviews.
Multi-firm Reviews
Multi-firm Reviews look at a particular risk or knowledge gap in a specific set of firms and are a key element of proactive supervision for portfolio firms. They do not aim to mitigate a risk across an entire market, but the findings may be communicated to the entire marketplace and used to drive improved behaviours. Multi-firm work is usually carried out over a shorter period of time than thematic work and can result in rule changes.
Corporate documents
Our Strategy 2022 to 2025 outlines our vision and expectations for financial services and how we'll measure our performance.
Business Plan
Our Business Plan details the work we'll do over the next 12 months to help deliver the commitments made in our Strategy.
Annual Report and Accounts
Our Annual Report and Accounts publication shows how we have performed against our objectives in the last year.
Impact assessments
We publish impact assessments as required under the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015. These look at changes we make that introduce a requirement, set standards, or give or amend guidance for businesses. The impact assessments are verified by the Regulatory Policy Committee.
Memorandums of understanding
Memorandums of Understanding establish a formal basis for co-operation between the FCA and other organisations.
Correspondence from the FCA, including Dear CEO Letters and Portfolio Letters, highlight our expectations and views on a range of topics.
Freedom of Information
We publish Freedom of Information requests and our responses. These are grouped by year in our Disclosure Log.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes are published for each FCA Board meeting and Financial Services Regulatory Initiatives Forum.
Handbook publications
The Handbook contains the complete record of FCA Legal Instruments and presents changes made in a single, consolidated view. We also publish a number of regular documents which detail changes to the Handbook.
Quarterly Consultation Papers
Every 3 months, we consult on miscellaneous minor or low profile changes to the Handbook in the Quarterly Consultation Paper (QCP).
Handbook Notices
Published monthly (the day after our Board meets). The Handbook Notice provides an overview of instruments the FCA Board has made, summarising the changes and giving feedback on the QCP.
Research and data
Research Insights
Research Insights give a broad range of informative insights into the FCA's work
Research Articles
Research Articles are short-form pieces of work covering a range of topics that support our more in-depth research publications
Occasional Papers
Occasional Papers provide in-depth analysis and research to help financial markets work effectively.
Research Notes
Research Notes offer a more technical look at the complex way that financial markets work and help further support our decision-making.
Financial Lives
Financial Lives is our flagship survey of UK consumers’ attitudes to managing their money and of their experiences of using financial services firms.
External Research
Sometimes we commission other organisations to carry out External Research for us, or to collaborate with us to research aspects of our work.
We publish a wide range of data, including the data we collect from regulated firms, data regarding consumer experiences, data on the FCA and more, as well as data supporting the FCA data strategy.
Information sheets
Lenders must include a copy of the relevant information sheet when they send a consumer a notice that they are in arrears or default.
News and publications email alerts
Daily and weekly email alerts keep subscribers up to date on press releases, speeches and statements and the above publications.
RSS feed for news and warnings
Our Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed keeps followers notified of latest news and warnings about unauthorised firms and individuals.
On 1 April 2013, the FCA – and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) – replaced the Financial Services Authority (FSA). Our website includes an archive of some FSA and older publications.
All FSA publications and full FSA website are on the National Archives website.