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Showing 1 to 10 of 14762 search results.
FG24/3: Finalised non‑handbook guidance on the Anti‑Greenwashing Rule [pdf]
This Guidance is designed to help firms understand and implement our anti greenwashing rule, following feedback from some respondents to our consultation paper on SDR and investment labels asking for guidance. -
CP24/8: Extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) regime to Portfolio Management [pdf]
Our consultation on extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels regime to portfolio management. -
Final Notice 2024: Paydog Ltd [pdf]
This Final Notice refers to a failure to carry on payment service activities. We imposed a cancellation. -
Notice of Decision 2024: Clarus Motorpark Limited [pdf]
The Notice of Decision refers to failure to carry on regulated activities. We imposed a cancellation. -
CP24/8: Extending the SDR regime to Portfolio Management
We are consulting on extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels regime to portfolio management. -
FG24/3: Finalised non-handbook guidance on the anti-greenwashing rule
We set out the guidance on the anti-greenwashing rule. -
FCA AI Update [pdf]
This document provides an update on our approach to AI following the Government’s publication of its pro-innovation strategy in February 2024. -
Notice of Decision 2024: Harry Stockwell (previously known as Lowcost Cars) [pdf]
This Notice of Decision refers to a failure to carry on regulated activities. We imposed a cancellation. -
Notice of Decision 2024: Vehicle Lease Ltd [pdf]
This Notice of Decision refers to a failure to carry on regulated activities. We imposed a cancellation. -
Notice of Decision 2024: Efficiency Boilers Ltd [pdf]
This Notice of Decision refers to a failure to carry on regulated activities. We imposed a cancellation.